Message from Chairman

Greetings and a warm welcome to all visitors of the Colorado Newah Khalah website! As the president of this vibrant 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Colorado, USA, it is my immense pleasure to share with you the essence and aspirations of our community. Established with a profound respect for our roots in Nepal, Colorado Newah Khalah stands as a beacon for preserving and promoting the rich Newari culture. Our journey is not just about celebrating our heritage; it's about creating a bridge between generations, ensuring that the beauty of the Newari traditions; including our enchanting festivals, unique culture, delectable cuisine, traditional music, and the melodious Newari language are cherished, preserved, and passed on. In a world that is rapidly globalizing, we recognize the importance of holding onto our identity and sharing it with the wider community. Join us in this enriching journey as we celebrate, learn, and grow together, keeping the flame of Newari culture alight in the heart of Colorado.

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